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Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. nov.). E. U. Description of two species of Mammalia from Caracas. Animals in menageries. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. E. U. 10. Trouessart E. L. 1897. E. U. 1984. A. Hatfield D. M. 1936. Ser-5. 47. 28(0).  Liomys pictus (ratón espinoso pintado, ratón espinoso), A new species of Galictis from Mexico. Preliminary descriptions of four new mammals from southern Mexico collected by E. W. Nelson. E. U. 1870. Subfamilia Mephitinae: las mofetas o zorrillos. 5. 586. 1824. Wild Mammals of North America: Biology. 1. American Museum Novitates. Zool Ser. Mammalia Marsupialia or pouched animals. Van Zyl de Jong C. G. 1984. 5. A new pocket gopher and a new antelope groun squirrel from Lower California, Mexico. E. U. John Wiley and Sons. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. List of the mammals obtained by Dr. G. F. Grillo, in the Province of Paraná, Brasil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8(0). Blair W. F. 1952.  Dermanura tolteca (murciélago frutero tolteca, murciélago), On two new species of Hesperomys. North American Fauna. Cuvier F. 1819-1829. 19. 1903. 40. E. U. North American Fauna. Estados Unidos. E. U. 1896. Ser-6. A. Coues E. 1874. & Urbano Vidales G. 1992. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. E. U. A., Bangs O., Evermann B. W., Gill T., Howell A. H., Jordan D. S., Merriam C. H., Miller G. S. Jr., Nelson E. W., Rathbun m. & Thomas O. (0). A new bat of the genus Antrozous from California. Ser-7. A. Baker R. H. 1952. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. Des dents des mammifères, considérées comme caractères zoologiques. A. Genoways H. H. & Choate J. R. 1967. B., Timm R. M. & Williams S. L. 1974. Zool. Catalogus mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium. E. U. 4. Hopplyte Bailliere. La cuenca del Río Mezquital es el único sistema hídrico que biseca completamente la Sierra de este a oeste, creando un corredor continuo entre las regiones semiáridas y áridas de la Mesa del Norte y los bosques bajos caducifolios de la vertiente occidental de la Sierra. A. Allen J. A. Nelson E. W. 1898. Bachman J. E. U. Flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) of Middle America. Ser-7. 1998. E. U. Inglaterra. Preliminary descriptions of eleven new kangaroo rats of the genera Dipodomys and Perodipus. Bollettino di Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata de la Università di Torino. 6. Alemania. A catalogue of the collection of mammals in the Field Columbian Museum. 5(0). A. Waterhouse G. R. 1839 (1838). A. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Álvarez S. T. 1963. 1896. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Journal of Mammalogy. E. U. A. Dalquest W. W. 1950.  Artibeus intermedius (murciélago frutero de Allen, murciélago, murciélago frutero, murciélago frutero gigante), Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14. 7(0). 8. A. Goldman E. A. Caton J. D. 1877. RAYE - Escapism MP3002. A. Hoofer S. R. & Van Den Bussche R. A. A. Alemania. Paris. Alemania. A. Huey L. M. 1929. 1891. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. México. ¡ARCTIC MONKEYS en LIMA! A. Merriam C. H. 1895. 27(0). Pub-149, Zool Ser. 11. 8. 1893. A. 1918. Mammalia. A. Miller G. S. Jr. 1924. 11. A new harvest mouse of the genus Reithrodontomys from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Evolutionary relationships in the Family Emballonuridae (Chiroptera). Dobson G. E. 1876. 3158. Revision of the skunks of the genus Spilogale. México. 66(0). 20. Six new pocket mice from Lower California and notes on the status of several described species. E. U. 1757. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3. The antelope and deer of America. 1900. Proceedings of Washington Academy of Sciences. A. Choate J. R. 1970. A. Merriam C. H. 1900. Santa Catalina, La Victoria, Lima. Descriptions of seven new genera of North America Quadrupeds. Description of a new species of Perognathus from southeastern Texas. 1913. A. Howell A. H. 1919. A. Nelson E. W. & Goldman E. A. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 12. Hr. On a terrestrial vertebrates of portions of southern New Mexico and western Texas. A. Archibald Constable. 20(0). Barber C. M. & Cockerel T. D. A. Description of a new mouse from southern New Mexico and Arizona. List of mammals obtained by Mr. G. M. Gaumer on Cozumel and Ruatan Islands Gulf of honduras. 10. Gray J. E. 1867. A. Baker R. H. 1951. 4(0). 5(0). A. Merriam C. H. 1896. 1780. Description of a new species of Vampyrops. E. U. 1953. 20(0). Neotoma californica. Alemania. 3. A. Allen J. 1827-1841. E. U. E. U. 1. 4(0). A new subspecies of ground squirrel (Spermophilus spilosoma) from Tamaulipas, Mexico. E. U. E. U. México. American Museum Novitates. . E. U. A. Allen J. 71(0). Rafinesque C. S. 1817. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 11. Webster Wm. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. 69(0). 1909. Journal of Mammalogy. Ser-7. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Bell T. 1837. Formada por Alex Turner, Matt Helders, Jamie Cook y Nick O'Malley, Arctic Monkeys apareció en la escena británica en el 2006 con su álbum Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, siendo el álbum debut más vendido en la primera semana en toda la historia del Reino Unido con más de 360,000 copias. On three new forms of Peromyscus obtained by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S. and Mrs Gadowin in Mexico. Ser-7. E. U. Coues E. 1896. 1941. A new bat of the genus of Trachops from Guatemala. Descriptions of five new shrews from Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. A. Bryant W. E. 1891. A. Hooper E. T. 1948. 10th ed. E. U. A. Allen G. M. 1908. A. Howell A. H. 1928. Ser-6. & Hanák V. 1986. Regnum animale in classes IX distributum sive synopsis methodica sistens generalem animalium distributionem in classes IX, & duarum primarium classium. A. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire É. 29. Annotated list of mammals of the San Francisco Mountain Plateau and desert of the Little Colorado in Arizona, with notes on their vertical distribution, and description of new species. Los hombres que escaparon de Alcatraz, Temporada 3  In: Beechey. A. Miller G. S. Jr. 1896. 1843. E. U. Mammalian Species. Zimmermann's 'Zoologiae geographicae' and 'Geographische geschichte' considered in their relation to mammalian nomenclature. A new species of vole (genus Microtus) from Oaxaca. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier. Currently touring across All Australia Singapore Japan & Russell R. J. A. Howell A. H. 1915. Ser-1. Francia. A. Nelson E. W. 1899. Additional records of mammals from Durango, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. E. U. Goldman E. A. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. Notes on new or little-known North American mammals, based on recent additions to the Collection of Mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Revision of the genera Phyllostomidae, or leaf-nosed bats. The Nation. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Journal of Mammalogy. Huckaby D. G. 1980. Revision of the American flying squirrels. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. 19. The North American jackal-Canis frustror. A. Mearns E. A. Allen J. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. On geographical variation in color among North American squirrels: with a list of the species and varieties of the American Sciuridae occurring north of Mexico. A. Ramírez-Pulido J., Arroyo-Cabrales J. . 29. New York. Descriptions of new bats (Choeroniscus and Rhinophylla) from Colombia. 1895. Descriptions of two new pumas from the Northwestern Unites States. E. U. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. Mammalia. 5 bats (Chiroptera). 23. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 34. A. Merriam C. H. 1888. 1976. A. Huey L. M. 1930. A. Lipsiae, Sumptibus Guilielmi Engelman. A. Elliot D. G. 1901. Baltimore. A. Revision of the shrews of the American genera Blarina and Notiosorex. 258. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates. Records and measurements of neotropical bats. Four new pocket gophers of the genus Heterogeomys from Mexico. 20. Moscow. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Osgood W. H. 1928. 105. Descriptions of a new spermophile from southern Arizona. Bell T. 1826. Ueber den Mexikanischen nasenbaren. 1939. E. U. Systematics and distribution of two chromosome forms in the grasshopper mouse, genus Onychomys. 115. 1898. Synopsis of the American shrews of the genus Sorex. Ser-6. 1924. 113. Mus. Además de Perú, la agrupación Arctic Monkeys también se presentará en otros países de la región como México, Argentina, Chile, Brasil y Colombia. Special Publications The Museum, Texas Tech University. E. U. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. (1874). A. Hooper E. T. 1954. A synopsis of the mammals of North American and the adjacent seas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Description of a new kangaroo rat from Lower California (Dipodomys merriami melanurus subsp. Beiträg zur Zoologei und Vergleichenden Anatomie. 30. E. U. 4. A list of mammals collected by Edmund Heller, in the San Pedro Martir and Hanson Laguna mountains and the accompanying coast regions of Lower California, with descriptions of apparently new species. American Naturalist. 14(0). Proceedings of the Scientific Meetingsof the Zoological Society of London. & Polaco O. J. An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct. Taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of Phillips' small-eared shrew, Cryptotis phillipsii (Schaldach, 1966), from Oaxaca, México (Mammalia: Insectivora: Soricidae). (13). A. Goodwin G. G. 1942. A. Nelson E. W. 1904. Three new raccons from Mexico and Salvador. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. E. U. Remarks on coyotes, with description of s new subspecies from Salvador. Journal of Mammalogy. Ser-8. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 1960. Systematics of the genus Rhogeessa (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Laurie E. M. O. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. México. A. Merriam C. H. 1897. Further discoveries in natural history, made during a journey through the wstern region on the United States. Tickets are available here. 14(0). Description of a new species of quadruped of the order Rodentia, inhabiting the United States. A revision of the Pipistrellus hesperus group of bats. 2. A new meadow mouse from Lower California, Mexico. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. A. Benson S. B. A. Patton J. L. 1993. Two new moles (genus Scalopus) from Mexico and Texas. 7(0). E. U. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. Andersen K. 1906. American Naturalist. A. Baker R. H. , Bradley L. C. , Bradley R. D., Dragoo J. W. , Engstrom M. D. , Hoffmann R. S. , Jones C. A. , Reid F., Rice D. W. & Jones C. 2003. 4. On a collection of mammals from Arizona and Mexico, by Mr. W. W. Price, with field notes by the collector. AmericaAmerika. The band helped raise over £100,000 for the venue to survive COVID closures last year by raffling off one of Alex Turner‘s guitars. Band Line-up Arctic Monkeys Interpol Concert Details Date: November 15, 2022 Venue: Arena 1 Costa Verde Location: Lima, Lima, Peru Band Genres Show more genres Setlists Arctic Monkeys setlist: Play on YouTube Play on Spotify It's Not Unusual Brianstorm Snap Out of It Crying Lightning Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. 1902. A. Dalquest W. W. 1957. Description of some new neotropical Muridae.  Didelphimorphia, Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Landshut. 17. E. U. Ser-4. 1928. 26. Cornalia E. 1854. 2018 favehu services company-sucursal peru s.a.c. 37(0). A new subspecies of the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) from northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. sp. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. E. U. Synopsis of the Geomyidae. On Sundry Collections of mammals received by the Field Columbian Museum from different localities, with descriptions of supposed new species and sub-species. 1820. 32. Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology. 14(0). 13(0). Amererican Wildlife Institute. 1805. Mammals of the Boundary. A list of a collection of Mexican mammals with a descriptions of some apparently new forms. A. 4. 73. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico. Schreber J. C. D. von. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.  Pteronotus personatus (murciélago bigotudo de Wagner), A. G. 1903. Records of mammals from the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Wagler J. G. 1831. Baltimore. Baird S. F. 1852. E. U. Hall E. R. & Villa-R. 1949. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. A. Mearns E. A. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 1877. Asimismo, la colecta de ejemplares tiene como fin ulterior proveer de muestras de tejidos para la resolución de algunos problemas sistemáticos que hasta ahora ha sido imposible resolver con base solo en caracteres morfológicos. Description of a new species of Molossus from California (Molossus californicus). Sur les Phyllostomes et les Mégadermes, deus genres de la famille des chauve-souris. 18. E. U. A. Elliot D. G. 1905.  Didelphidae, A. 1902. 1. Einige mittheilugen über thiere Mexicos. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Alemania. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. A. Hershkovitz P. 1950. 21) . Revisión taxonómica de los murciélagos magueyeros del género Leptonycteris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). 31. Glass B. P. & Baker R. J. Memories of the Society Imperial Naturelle. A. Rogers D. S. & Schmidly D. J. A. Weinland D. F. 1860. 1984. 16 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? A. Goodwin G. G. 1955. 62(0). 1933. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. A new species of Peromyscus from western México.  Canis latrans (coyote), Además, el concierto tendrá como artista invitado internacional a nada menos que a la agrupación de post punk, Interpol. E. U. Ser-7. 3 Top Playlist – [10-Jan-2023], Da Zone – 40 Tracks nuevo remix exclusivo – [10-Jan-2023], Rnb Modern British R&B And Pop (2023) Mp3 Mainkan Lagu MP3 Baru – [10-Jan-2023], Headliner Music Club – 50 Tracks Lo último en tendencias – [10-Jan-2023]. E. U. 3(0). De éstos, al menos el 40% comprende zonas consideradas como áridas o semiáridas.  Oryzomys, Sci. de Saussure M. H. 1860. Restos de mamíferos encontrados en una cueva de Valle Nacional, Oaxaca, México. Part II.  Spilogale gracilis (zorrillo manchado), 13(0). Dos nuevos mamíferos de Chiapas. Ser-7. A. Carter D. C., Pine R. H. & Davis W. B. 46. 19(0). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. A. Baker R. J., Hoofer S. R., Porter C. A. 1983. Sci. Notes on mice of the species Peromyscus boylei and P. pectoralis. Anderson R. M. & Rand A.L. 1803. 111. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. Observations of the genus Galictis (Bell), with the description of a new species. A. Bryant W. E. 1892. 22,226 people follow this. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. A. Huey L. M. 1962. & Chapman F. M. 1897. 19. Hall E. R. 1932. Systematics of the southern races of Ord´s kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii. 1938. New Neotropical mammals with a note on the species of Reithrodon. A. Merriam C. H. 1894. Fauna de vertebrados de la región del Gran Desierto, Sonora, México. E. U. 62. A. Mammalian distributional records in Yucatan and Quintana Roo, with comments on reproduction, structure, and status of peninsular populations. A. Abbildungen zu einer Monographie der Chiropteren vor und gab eine Übersicht der von ihm befolgten systematischen Ordnung der hieher gehorigen Gattungen. Ser-3. A new mouse (Peromyscus slevini) from the Gulf of California. E. U. Wild Mammals of North America: Biology. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Una de ellas es la Cuenca del Río Mezquital-San Pedro, en el sur del Estado. Preliminary diagnosis of new mammals from the Mexican border of the United States. A. Grinnell J. E. U. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. True F. W. 1889. New Myotis, Artibeus, Sylvilagus, and Metachirus from Central and South America. E. U. A. Thomas O. American Journal of Tropical Medicine. A new genus of Vespertilionidae. 94. A. Merriam C. H. 1898. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. E. U. A. Chapman y G. A. Feldhamer. E. U. 137. Baltimore. 16(0). 5. Campo B: s/160 University of Arizona Press. North American Fauna. Yates T. L. & Salazar-Bravo J. Linnaeus C. 1758. Megan Thee Stallion - Anxiety MP304.... Chinx - Buss It Wide Open (Clean) MP3Chinx - Buss It Wide Open (Dirty) MP3Chinx ft French Montana & Zack... 50 Cent Vs. Gangstarr - 21 Questions [Mista Bibs Full Clip Mashup] [Clean] MP350 Cent Vs. Gangstarr - 21 Questions... Arcangel & Bad Bunny - La Jumpa (BPMLatino Break In) (Dirty Extended) MP3Arcangel & Bad Bunny - La Jumpa (BPMLatino... Abba Vs Tag Team - Voulez Vous Whoomp (Collini Tribal Mashup) (Clean) 128 MP3Bee Gees - Stayin Alive (Collini Club... ACRAZE x Ingrosso & Alesso - Believe (Stoutty Edit) MP3Baby Bash x Three 6 Mafia x Dirty Palm - Suga... 01. On a terrestrial vertebrates of portions of southern New Mexico and westen Texas. México. 1877. E. U. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie. A. A. Thomas O. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. Hoffmeister D. F. & de La Torre L. 1961. E. U. A. Peters S. L. , Lim B. K. & Engstrom M. D. 2002. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Baltimore. A. Rhoads S. H. 1894. A. G. 1902. Mammals of Guatemala: with the description of a new little brown bat. 11(0). E. U. E. U. Trouessart E. L. 1904. E. U. Synopsis Mammalium. A review some of the North American squirrels of the genus Tamias. 1191. In: J. Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of the natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of captain Sir John Franklin, R. N. In: John Murray, Albemarle-Street. Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum. A. Anderson S. 1962. Allen G. M. 1923. 5. Ser-6. Shaw G. 1804. Nelsonia neotomodon, a new genus and species of murine rodent from Mexico. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Zool Ser. 4. Description of three new species of American Arvicolae, with remarks upon some other American rodents. 9. On the squirrels of the Neotropical Region. 1. 1899. Elliot D. G. 1903. 51. 45. Desmarest A. G. 1817. Notes on recent additions to the collection of Chiroptera in the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle at Paris, with descriptions of a new rare species. Notes on Mexican Mammals. Francia. Two genera of bats new to Middle America. North American Fauna. 1916. 148. 5. A new raccon from Lower California. North American Fauna. In: H. H. Genoways and J. H. Brown. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1. 79(0). 87. 14. New mammals from North and Middle America. 3(87). 47. A. Booth E. S. 1957. A new pocket mouse from Lower California. Two new pocket mice of the spinatus group and one of the longimembris group. Hall E. R. 1932. Description of four new rodents from California. 20. Alemania. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Imp. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection. Notes on pocket gophers from Jalisco, Mexico, with descriptions of two new subspecies. 16. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. A. The version you are looking at is not the latest version! E. U. 28(0). Acta Chiropterologica. Säugethiere (Mammalia). A. 1901. Proc. Hall E. R. 1960. Description of four new rodents from California. Jones J. K., Jr. & Manning R. W. 1989. Pub-115. ¡Empezó el 15% de descuento para la zona Tribuna! 47. In: Col. W. H. Emory,. A. Huey L. M. 1960., — Arctic Monkeys (@ArcticMonkeys) April 27, 2022. Descriptions of some new genera and species of bats. Field Columbian Museum. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 117. Gesellsh. Estado actual y relación nomenclatural de los mamíferos terrestres de México. Six new mammals from the Mohave Desert and Inyo regions of California. Erster Theil. In: J. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Tübingen. E. U. 10(0). 9(0). Notes on bats from Sonora, México. México. 2(0). 1898. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. E. U. A new deer (Dorcephalus texanus) from Texas and northern Mexico. Six new mammals from Cozumel Island, Yucatan. 2005. A. Dalquest W. W. 1946. 1911. Field Columbian Museum. A discussion of the zonal status of the Sierra San Pedro Martir. E. U. 76. Ser-1. Estados Unidos. E. U. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. (47). Paris. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Novitates Zoologicae. On the species of the genus Reithrodontomys. Description d'une variete et d'une espece nouvelles de chiropteres raportees du Mexique par M. Diguet. The recent mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Science. A. 17. E. U. Der Central Amerikanische fish otter und seine nächsten verwanten. Monatsberitche Königlichen Preussichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin. A third genus of the Ichthyomys group. A. Hinesley L. L. 1979. Three new cotton rats from Tehuantepec, Mexico. Erlangen Walther. Berlin. 46(0). Peters W. C. H. 1864 (1865). Description of a new species of Macrotus. Van Gelder R. G. 1959. La banda británica de rock pisará suelo peruano este 15 de noviembre. 10 legend-making Arctic Monkeys festival sets, “pretty much finished” their long-awaited seventh album, headline this year’s Life Is Beautiful festival in Las Vegas, Life Is Beautiful recently took home the prize, also recently shared their support for iconic Sheffield venue, The Leadmill, after the venue announced it was facing threat of closure next year due to its landlord issuing a notice of eviction, The band helped raise over £100,000 for the venue to survive COVID closures, The NME 100: essential emerging artists for 2023, Billy Nomates: “I’m a woman in the modern world, of course I’m angry!”, FLO: “We hope anybody who hears our music – especially young Black girls – gets our message”, ‘The Last Of Us’ review: an apocalyptically good video game port, Making ‘M3GAN’: inside the creation of horror’s viral new villain. A. Schmidt C. A. 12. A. Merriam C. H. 1898. American Museum Novitates. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. E. U. Lacépède B. G. É. de la V. 1809. 07 - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor A new pocket mouse from southern Lower California. A. Lawlor T. C. 1971. A. Twente J. W. & Baker J. R. 1951. A. Davis W. B.  Vulpes macrotis (zorra del desierto, zorra norteña), Family Muridae. On the status of some arctic mammals. U. S. Geological and Survey Territories, Miscellaneous Publications. 1977. Jockey Club del Perú - Av. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional. A. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire É. 21. Jones J. K., Jr., Carter D. C., Genoways H. H., Hoffmann R. S. , Rice D. W. & Jones C. 1986. Weygandschen Buchhandlung. Proceedings of Boston Society of Natural History. A new coyote from southern Mexico. A classification of the white-sided jack rabbits of Mexico.  Mormoops megalophylla (murciélago barba arrugada norteño, murciélago), 38(0). Descriptions of new mammals from Panama and Mexico. E. U. Ser-9. Thomas O. 80. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. 1935. E. U. The taxonomic status of Peromyscus allex Osgood. Akad. E. U.  Glossophaga, Reise in das innere Nord-America, un den Jahren 1832 bis 1834. Contributions to Mammalogy in Honor of Karl F. Koopman. A new pocket gopher of the genus Cratogeomys from Mexico. E. U.  Chaetodipus, 2. E. U. Southwestern Naturalist. The families and genera of bats. Alemania. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1901. A pesar de los esfuerzos recientes de inventario, muchas áreas quedan aun sin muestrear para el orden Mammalia. On three new forms of Peromyscus obtained by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S. and Mrs. Gadow in Mexico. 20(0). North American Fauna. 1928. et Pallas,- ?Sorex etruscus Savi, und Lutra lutreola Ill. Nebst Einigen Worten über die Meer-Otter, Lutra marina auct., als Typus einer eignen Gattung. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur: under the command of Captain Sir. A. Goodwin G. G. 1953. A. Allen J. Description of new mammals from Florida and southern California. Arctic Monkeys are an English rock band formed in Sheffield in 2002. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time. A. Mearns E. A. 2183. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Horsfield T. & Vigors N. A. Burt W. H. 1948. 1877. E. U. 1966. A. Taylor W. P. 1910. University of Calfornia, Publications in Zoology. A taxonomic revision of the spotted skunks (genus Spilogale). Cardi B) MP302. A. Gardner A. L. 1973. A. Huey L. M. 1926. Elenchus animalium. Nat. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A natural history of the mammalia. 7(0). A. Goldman E. A. 51(0). E. U. 27(0). 1932. Inglaterra. A. Allen J. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 29. 13(0). 8. Adversaria zoologica. Journal of Mammalogy. Phalli of recent genera and species of the Family Geomyidae (Mammalia: Rodentia). Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, I. P. N. México. In: George M. Wheeler. Los cuiniquis de Arcelia Citellus adocetus arceliae, sub. Paris. A. Storr G. C. C. 1780. A. Allen. 1892. 1891. 15(0). American Museum Novitates. A. Chapman y G. A. Feldhamer. A. Grinnell J. 1933. New mammals from Costa Rica and Mexico. Allen J. 29(0). Goodboys - Believe (Galantis Remix) (Radio Edit) MP3Acraze Ft. Goodboys -... 01. E. U. A. Allen G. M. 1916. 2001. Description of a species of Cervus. E. U. Annals and Magazine of Natural History.  Lagomorpha, E. U. Brandt J. F. 1844. Catálogo de animales vertebrados observados en la Republica Mexicana. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. American Museum Novitates. Allen J. Estados Unidos. Über neue merkwürdige Säugethiere des Königlischen zoologischen Museums. E. U. Thomas O. A. A new species of funnel-eared bat (Natalidae: Natalus) from Mexico. Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum.  Lynx, Monografía de los mamíferos de Yucatán. General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific Railroad Routes, Part I. Description of a new subspecies of the southern grasshopper mouse, Onychomys torridus, from western Mexico. A. Inglaterra. 32K views, 1.2K likes, 2.3K loves, 789 comments, 687 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Move Concerts Perú: ARCTIC MONKEYS en Lima 15 de Noviembre Arena 1 - Costa Verde Invitado especial: INTERPOL. Estados Unidos. Washington, D. C. Hays W. J. 22. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.  Artiodactyla, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection. E. U. 1744. Trouessart E. L. 1880. México. E. U. 7. Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Gray J. E. 1865. Mammals from southern Oaxaca. Description of a new jack-rabbit from San Pedro Martir mountain, Lower California. A. Handley C. O. A. Merriam C. H. 1897. A new race of Citellus tereticaudus from Lower California. 1820. E. U. A. Eydoux M. F. & Gervais. 41(0). Major C. J. F. 1897. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 4. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. The jaunt will kick off at the Jeunesse Arena in Rio de Janeiro on November 1 before calling at a number of Primavera Sound shows and wrapping up for an arena show in Peru on November 15. A. Elliot D. G. 1907. A. Baker R. J., Solari S. & Hoffmann F. G. 2002. A. Woodhouse S. W. 1852.  Noctilio, Monatsberitche Königlichen Preussichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Further notes on the genus Chiroderma. E. U. & Kilpatrick W. L. 1996. 40. 7(0). Journal of Mammalogy. 79(0). Alemania. Journal of Mammalogy. E. U. E. U. E. U. A. Pucheran M. 1855. E. U. Chaetodipus spinatus. 19(0). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. A. Woodhouse S. W. 1853. Bonaparte C. L. J. L. 1838. Catalogus mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium. 1890. A. Catalogue raionné du Muséum de Mr. C. W. Peale, Philadelphia. E. U. Characteristics of some new species of Mammalia, collected by the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, Major W. H. Emory, U. S. A. Proceedings of the Biological Society of London.  Lontra, In kelly clarkson and cbd gummies our sense of the term, the cbd for scalp inflammation game of cbd for ankylosing spondilitis the cbd gummies 0 thc forest girdle includes the Maral stag and the roe deer, the elk joyorganics cbd gummies and the reindeer, the cbd for perimenopause anxiety wolf, the fox, the Arctic fox, the lynx and the bear, the Arctic hare, the squirrel, the gold cbd gummies . Two new wood rats (genus Neotoma) from the state of Coahuila, Mexico. Arctic Monkeys - 2022-xx-xx London Session, London, England, UK (WDR Broadcast) (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-xx-xx London Session, London, England, UK (KINK Broadcast) (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-xx-xx London Session, London, England, UK (France Inter Broadcast) (SB) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-xx-xx London Session, London, England, UK (eco99fm Broadcast) (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-10-19 The Jonathan Ross Show, London, England, UK (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-10-10 VRT Studio 5, Schaarbeek  Schaerbeek, Belgium (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-08-25 Rock En Seine Festival, Domaine national De Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, France (SBD) mp3@96 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-08-21 Pukkelpop Festival, Domein Kiewit, Hasselt, Belgium (Studio Brussel FM Broadcasts) (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-09-22 Kings Theatre, Brooklyn, NY, USA (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-11-19 Corona Capital Festival, Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, Mexico City, Mexico (SBD) mp3@96 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-11-05 Primavera Sound Festival São Paulo, Distrito Anhembi, São Paulo, Brazil (SBD) m4a@Lossless TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-08-21 Pukkelpop Festival, Domein Kiewit, Hasselt, Belgium (SBD) mp3@96 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-08-27 Reading Festival, Little John's Farm, Reading, England, UK (SBD) mp3@128 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - 2022-08-20 Lowlands Festival, Evenemententerrein Walibi Holland, Biddinghuizen, Netherlands (SBD) mp3@256 kbps TB, Arctic Monkeys - The Car (2022) m4a@Lossless TB, Arctic Monkeys - Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys EP (2006) m4a@Lossless MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-09-12 Spotify Singles m4a@Lossless MG, Arctic Monkeys - The Death Ramps (Single) (2007) m4a@Lossless MG, Arctic Monkeys - Covers Mixtape (2008) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - Top Marks For Not Trying (2007) (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - Unplugged (2005) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - Beneath The Boardwalk (2004) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2020) m4a@Lossless MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2019-04-07 Estéreo Picnic Festival, Centro De Eventos Briceño 18, Briceño, Colombia (SBD) mp3@96 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2019-04-05 Lollapalooza Festival Brazil, Autódromo De Interlagos, São Paulo, Brazil m4a@192 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2019-03-31 Lollapalooza Festival Chile, Parque O'Higgins, Santiago, Chile (SBD) mp3@112 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2019-03-30 Lollapalooza Festival Argentina, Hipódromo De San Isidro, San Isidro, Argentina (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2019-03-28 Asunciónico Festival, Espacio Idesa, Asunción, Paraguay (SBD) mp3@112 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-10-28 Voodoo Music & Arts Experience Festival, City Park, New Orleans, LA, USA (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-10-13 Austin City Limits Web Exclusives (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-10-13 Austin City Limits Live At The Moody Theater, Austin, TX, USA (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-10-07 Austin CIty Limits Festival, Zilker Park, Austin, TX, USA (SBD) mp3@96 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-09-20 Hyundai Music Prize (SBD) mp3@112 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-08-09 Way Out West Festival, Slottsskogen, Gothenburg, Sweden (SBD) mp3@128 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-07-23 Late Show With Stephen Colbert, New York, NY, USA (SBD) mp3@112 kbps MG, Arctic Monkeys - 2018-07-12 NOS Alive! Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. Goldman E. A. Comments on the taxonomy and geographic distribution of some North American rodents. E. U. Sci. E. U. 1902. 99(0). A. Stowell J. M. 1895. Meanwhile, Arctic Monkeys also recently shared their support for iconic Sheffield venue, The Leadmill, after the venue announced it was facing threat of closure next year due to its landlord issuing a notice of eviction. Order Didelphimorphia. Miscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 19(0). & Gardner M. C. 1947. Gray J. E. 1843-1844. E. U. A systematic review of the Neartic and Neotropical river otters (genus Lutra Mustelidae, Carnivora). 1931. On two new members of the genus Heteromys and two of Neotoma. Science. Geographic variation in Citellus tereticaudus. A. Merriam C. H. 1903. 1829. E. U. The status of the species of the brasiliensis group of the genus Tadarida. A new subspecies of the rock squirrel, Spermopohilus [sic] variegatus, from Isla Tiburon, Sonora, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Critical comments on mammals from Utah, with descriptions of new forms from Utah, Nevada, and Washington. A revision of the genera of bats (Vespertilionidae), and the description of some new genera and species. A. E. U. E. U. A. Freeman P. W. 1981. nov. y género nuevo para la fauna de murciélagos de México. A. Townsend C. H. 1897. A. Nelson E. W. 1904. Smith J. D. 1970. 58. México. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Mearns E. A. Volumen I. Sistens quadrupedia huc usque nota, eorum que varietates ad ductum naturae, quatum fieri potuit disposita. 473. 1939. 77. A. Hafner M. S. & Hafner J. C. 1983. 27. 1(0). A. Hollister N. 1913. 1934.  Hodomys alleni (rata cambalachera de Allen, tuza), E. U. 1932. . A new race of pocket gopher (Thomomys) from San Fernando Mission, Baja California, Mexico. Ser-6. 80(0). Periodicum Biologorum. A. Nelson E. W. & Goldman E. A. A. Grinnell J. New pocket gophers from Arizona and Utah. Le jardin des plantes description et moeurs des mammifères de la ménagerie et du muséum d'historie naturelle. 57(0). E. U.  Taxidea taxus (tlalcoyote, tejón), Mamíferos silvestres de la cuenca del río Mezquital-San Pedro, Durango-Nayarit, Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mamíferos ardillas, marmotas, perritos de la pradera armadillos, gliptodontes, osos hormigueros, perezosos, tamanduas berrendos, bisontes, borregos, cabras, camellos, ciervos, jabalies, pecaries, toros, vacas, venados cacomixtles, coaties, mapaches castores, ratones de abazones, ratones canguro, tuzas comadrejas, hurones, nutrias, tejones conejos, liebres coyotes, lobos, perros, zorros dientes de sable, gatos, hienas, jaguares, leones, leopardos, linces, ocelotes, pumas, tigrillos mofetas, zorrillos murciélagos ratas, ratones tlacuaches, zarigüeyas, Colección de Mamíferos;CRD;Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional;CIIDIR-IPN, Mammal Research Collection;MSU;Michigan State University;MSU, Mammalogy Collection;KUM;Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum, University of Kansas;KU, NO APLICA;NO APLICA;Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional;CIIDIR-IPN, Mounted,  A. Allen J. Abhandlungen mathematisch-physickalische, 101. A. Hatt R. T. 1953. 1960. Three new Reithrodontomys and two new Peromyscus from Guatemala. Report on mammals from the District of Santa Marta, Colombia, collected by Mr. Herbert H. Smith, with field notes by Mr. Smith. 10(0). Philadelphia. Monatsberitche Königlichen Preussichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin. A. Dalquest W. W. 1951. México. Why is a type specimen. E. U. A. Elliot D. G. 1896. List of mammals collected by Mr. Charles P. Rowley in the San Juan region of Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, with description of new species. Recent additions to the North American land mammals. Geographic variation in the canyon mouse, Peromyscus crinitus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 9. 2. A. Davis W. B. 2. Monatsberitche Königlichen Preussichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Observations sur les différentes espéces de souslïks de Russie, suivies de remarques sur l'arrangement et la distribution géographique du genre Spermophilus, ainsi que sur la classification de la famille des écureuils (Sciurina) en général. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire I.  Dipodomys merriami (rata canguro de Merriam, rata canguro), 59(0). Memoirs de Academie Inperiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg. Paris. 15(0). 1940. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. A. Goldman E. A. Monograph of the bats of North America. L. D. Weigel. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Texas Tech University Press. A. Merriam C. H. 1890. Das Thierreich, geordnet nach seiner organization als grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Einleitung in die verleichende anatomie. 1902. 20. Rodents from British Honduras, Mexico, Trinidad, Haiti and Jamaica collected by Mr. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. E. U. 42(0). Allen J. 9. Milan. Mammals obtained by Dr Curt von Wedel from the Barrier Beach of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Description of four new pocket mice from Lower California, collected by Walter E. Bryant. Order Pilosa. Merriam C. H. 1897. Ser-8. Inglaterra. Prodomus systematis mammalium et avium additis terminis zoographicis utriusque classis eorumque versione germanica. Williams D. F. 1978. 5(0). Pub-90. A new species of Myotis from the Islas Tres Marias, Nayarit, Mexico, with comments on variation in Myotis nigricans. Goldman E. A. 1888. Ezploraziones delle Región Equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il fiume delle Amazzoni. E. U. A new black-tailed jack-rabbit from Idaho. 1952. 26(0). Woodhouse S. W. 1853. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, M. I. Voyage autor du monde sur la Frégate La Vénus commandée par Abel Du Petit-Thouars Capitane de Vaisseau, Commandeur de la Légion D'honneur Zoologie: Mammiferés, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons. Description of a new Mexican bat. A. Laurentii Salvii. 1881. Three new skunks of the genus Spilogale.  Molossidae, 16(0). Description of a new species of bat from the western United States (Vespertilio ciliolabrum sp. 1899. 12. Journal of Mammalogy. E. U. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License,,,, Rodentia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.  Mustelidae, 13. A new subspecies of wood rat (Neotoma) from northeastern Mexico. A systematic revision of Macrotus (Chiroptera).  Mormoopidae, Description of a new harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys) from Mexico. 7. 3(0). 6. 6. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. Thomas O. 25(0). Allgemeine Zoologie, Mensch und Säugethiere. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. A. Hoffmann R. S. & Smith A. T. 2005. limpio s.a.c. Louisiana State University Studies, Biological Science Series. 02 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? Alemania. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. 11(7). México. México. 14. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. Jack Harlow, Calvin Harris, Cage The Elephant, Migos, and Beach House are also topping the neon city festival’s bill. North American Fauna. A. Merriam C. H. 1892. 45. E. U. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences. & Musser G. G. 1976. 50. Preliminary revision of the pumas (Felis concolor group). North American Fauna. 1966. E. U. The Ronald Press Company. 47. 9(0). Dobson G. E. 1875. E. U. Ser-6. The world’s defining voice in music and pop culture: breaking what’s new and what’s next since 1952. Philadelphia. 36(0). A. Miller G. S. Jr. 1912. 1893. Two new races of Perognathus spinatus from Baja California, Mexico. Description of new bats from Panama.  Desmodus, 31. A. Allen J. 87(0). E. U. Isis von Oken. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. II Mammalia. Nadal-Norrie | España-Gran Bretaña, Televisión Pública Noticias Internacional. Gide et J. Baudry. E. U. Peters W. C. H. 1874. A. Thomas O. E. U. E. U. Este 30 de abril se llevó la cabo la preventa de entradas y para. A monograph of the bats of North America. El Estadio Monumental, también conocido como Monumental de Núñez, Estadio River Plate, o por cuestiones de patrocinio Estadio Mâs Monumental, es un estadio ubicado en la intersección de las avenidas Figueroa Alcorta y Udaondo del barrio porteño de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 26(0). The proper name of the Mexican Tamandua. El estado de Durango es el cuarto más grande de la República Mexicana, con una extensión de 123,181 km2. E. U. A. Álvarez S. T. & Ramírez-Pulido J. Ser-7. [Artículo no titulado]. 83. A. Ser-7. E. U. A new subspecies of the long-nosed bat, Hylonycteris underwoodi from Mexico. Notes on classification on the rodent genus Peromyscus. On the Mammalia obtained by the Naturalist Exploring Expedition to southern Brazil. Hall E. R. 1936. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 1907. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. On a new mule deer. North American Fauna. A. Allen H. 1891. 8. E. U. A. Seconde partie. 10(0). Alemania. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 20(0). A. Howell A. H. 1901. E. U. E. U. Étude odontologíque des représentants actuels du groupe Tadarida (Chiroptera, Molossidae). E. U. A. Webster Wm. Management. Taxonomic status of certain long-eared bats (genus Myotis) from the southwestern United States and Mexico. 384.  Tadarida brasiliensis (murciélago cola suelta brasileño, murciélago guanero), A. Gardner A. L. 2005. Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. In: E. Coues & J. A. Setzer H. W. 1952. Stains H. J. 25. List of mammals collected by Mr. J. H. Batty in New Mexico and Durango, with descriptions of new species and subspecies. 297. A. Hooper E. T. 1952. 11(0). A. Goldman E. A. Mientras que la preventa para clientes Interbank se realizará el 30 de abril y 1 de mayo. Field Museum of Natural History. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. A. Starret A. Three new races of Microtus mexicanus. A. Lataste F. 1891. 1839. 16. E. U. 19. 38. A. Ramírez-Pulido J., López Wilchis R., Müdespacher C. & Lira I. Porcupine: Erethizon dorsatum. A. Goldman E. A. This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. 10. A. Fitzinger L. J. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. North American yellow bats 'Dasypterus', and a list of the named kinds of the genus Lasiurus Gray. Five bats new to the known fauna of Mexico. Hall E. R. 1931. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. A. Goldman E. A. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Zool Ser. Renaming of Sigmodon planifrons minor Goodwin. 1. A. Allen J. & de La Torre L. 1964. Vikings 6: ¿qué le ocurrió a Bjorn en el final de mitad de temporada? E. U. Corynorhinus Macrotis [sic] raza Pallescens Gerr. The systematics status of four kangaroo rats. Baltimore. A. Allen H. 1891. 39(0). A. Merriam C. H. 1889. In: J. 21. Field Museum of Natural History. The rice rats of North America (genus Oryzomys). Giebel von C. G. 1859. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Natürliches system der amphibien, mit vorangehender classification der Säugethiere und Vögel. 1900. Tree squirrels (Sciurus colliaei Group) of western Mexico. A. Felten H. 1956. Science. 1900. E. U. A. Goodwin G. G. 1961. E. U. Systematics of Sylvilagus Gray, 1867 (Lagomorpha: Leporidae) from southwestern North America. 1. E. U. E. U. 23. Ser-7. 71. Characters of six genera of bats not hitherto distinguished. A. Chapman y G. A. Feldhamer. Class I. Mammalia. Coues E. 1875. Records of mammals from Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 10. Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. A. Goodwin G. G. 1955. Akad. 1931. (3). A. American Museum Novitates. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Texas Journal of Science. Description of two new mammals from California. Preliminary revision of North American pocket mice (genera Perognathus et Cricetodipus auct.) S. & R. Bentley, Dorset-Street. Vuelvo a tocar en el tributo a The Strokes con The Client en Yield Rock gracias a Tirando Dedo También estará el tributo a Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Perú Domingo 4 Diciembre - 6:00 pm … See more Lennin Aza Arctic Monkeys Perú 44. Journal of Mammalogy. 10. E. U. A. Huey L. M. 1931. E. U. In: L. Curmer. Note on the generic names Didelphis and Philander. A. Hoffmeister D. F. 1986. Hall E. R. & Dalquest W. W. 1963. E. U. Monographs of North American Rodentia. May L. A. A. Bonaparte C. L. J. L. 1845. 9(0). American Journal of Science.  Dasypodidae, Peromyscus, E. U. Mammals from the coast and islands of northern South America. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Alemania. On the arrangement of the orders and families of existing Mammalia. 1909. A. Bailey V. 1902. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. E. U. Geschlecht, fladermäuse. E. U. A. Sanborn C. C. 1935. 1899. E. U. 1851. Bassariscus, a new generic name in mammalogy. Bulletin of the U. S. National Museum. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1926. The short-tailed shrews (Cryptotis) of Texas. and 11 Ser-7. Engstrom M. D. , Sánchez-Herrera O. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Preliminary report on Ecuadorean mammals. E. U. & Hoffmann R. S. 1981.  Neotoma mexicana (rata cambalachera mexicana, rata de campo, rata magueyera), North American Fauna. Arctic Monkeys - Peru 2022 - playlist by Mauricio Simabukuro | Spotify Preview of Spotify Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. A. Hoffmeister D. F. & Krutzsch P. H. 1955. 4. 1942. A new bat of the genus Mimon from Mexico. 5(0). E. U. Inglaterra. (@twqxbl), Daniel Vergaray D'Ar(@danielefecto), David Laureano(@davicho.2312), ☆♡☆(@lover.heartt), Daniel Vergaray D'Ar(@danielefecto), Mell(@mellcastiillo), :)(@user235789005356), valeki(@valeki02 . E. U.  Urocyon, General zoology or systematic natural history. Francia. Ser-2. E. U. Elliot D. G. 1903. Descriptions of eigth new pocket mice (genus Perognathus). Journal of Mammalogy. Asociación Mexicana de Mastozoología, Pub. A. Dickey D. R. 1928. Gray J. E. 1827. Notas breves sobre algunos mamíferos del sur de México. Thiel 3 Zoologie. Descriptions of three new raccoons from the Mexican boundary region. A new pocket gopher of the genus Zygogeomys . E. U. 16(0). Journal of Mammalogy. E. U. 2. A. Coues E. 1877. A. Hibbard C. W. 1950. 7(0). Bertuch, ed. Lichtenstein K. M. H. 1830 (1827). A. Lee M. R. & Schmidly D. J. E. U. Mammals from Tamaulipas, Mexico. 1932. E. U. It looks like nothing was found at this location. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. Journal of Mammalogy. 2(0). A new subspecies of Uroderma bilobatum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae) from Middle America. 15(0). A. Hayward B. J. E. U. E. U. Notes on mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. See all. The naturalist's library. Gray J. E. 1868. E. U. 41(0). Descripcions of new bats (Chiroderma and Artibeus) from Mexico. Stephens F. 1906. A. Goldman E. A. Woodhouse S. W. 1851. E. U. Description of a new species of Sciurus. Texas Journal of Science. A. Diersing V. E. & Wilson D. E. 1980. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History. 31. E. U. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. A. Goldman E. A. Berichte über einige neue säugethiere (Mormops, Macrotus, Vesperus, Molossus, Capromys). 1993. Sitzungstoes Kais. 1953. 13 - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 04 - Don't Sit Down I've Moved Your Chair. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 04 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? Taxonomic review of the pallid bat, Antrozous pallidus (Le Conte). Matschie P. 1916. North American Fauna. Descriptions of twenty-seven apparently new species and subspecies of mammals. Frost D. 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Die Säugethiere in zoologischer, anatomischer und palæontologischer Beziehung umfassend dargestellt. 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