did etta place have a child did etta place have a child

did etta place have a childdid etta place have a child

Evidently, he escorted them north to Lake Nahuel Huapi, where the trio then headed west into Chile. All of those traits have been used to describe Place, but also could be used to describe any number of other women from the period, so in themselves they only show similarities rather than actual proof. HER STORY CONTINUES - TO Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, To Pancho Villa and His Rebel BanditsShe Was a Lot of WomanTo a Lot of Men! This petition was signed by Place and Ryan, per Santiago. On August 9, she was with Longabaugh at the Hotel Europa in Buenos Aires, and on the 15th she sailed with him aboard the steamer SS Chubut to return to their ranch. Ethel Etta Place, Western Woman of Mystery. In the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Etta Place is depicted as a schoolteacher - the role of Place is portrayed by Katherine Ross, playing alongside Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the titular roles. He recorded each lead in his 1977 book, The Identity of Harry Longabaugh's Mysterious Lover. Files from the Pinkerton Agency (a detective agency established in 1850 that pursued Butch, Sundance and the gang they ran with known as the Wild Bunch at the behest of the Union Pacific Railroad Company) described Etta as having classic good looks, approximately 54 to 55 in height, weighing between one hundred ten pounds and one hundred fifteen pounds, with a medium build, reddish-brown hair, and cold gray eyes. Her date and place of birth are unknown, but the overall consensus was that she was from Utah or New York. Diagnosed with Alzheimers disease and with terminal leukemia, she died in California on January 20, 2012. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. The two men quickly dove under the table. L.G. Etta James was known for her spectacular voice that had the power to move one to tears, and despite her brilliant career, her latter years were marred with legal battles between her husband and son. During the time Etta was unaccounted for, the Wild Bunch successfully lived up to their name. Despite Longabaugh and Parker's fame, by the mid-20th century it was the mysterious vanishing of Place that sparked the most interest, which continues to the present day. In 1906 he and Cassidy returned to outlawry, robbing banks, trains, and mining interests in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Etta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. She did not know what became of the Sundance Kid, but Lula believed Etta settled in Denver and taught school. According to the Buenos Aires Herald: Four well-mounted horsemen rode up to the [bank] and, knife in hand, entered, taking the employees by surprise. . February 27, 2023. Popular locations for her place of birth include Utah, New York City, Pennsylvania, or 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. WebIn much the same way as she appeared, Etta Place suddenly vanished from history with only rumors and myth to explain her fate. Palmer Lake, CO: Filter Press, 1977. Regardless of their fate, all accounts seem to lack reasonable evidence and credibility. HER STORY CONTINUES - TO Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, To Pancho Villa and His Rebel BanditsShe Was a Lot of WomanTo a Lot of Men! Place owned 2500 acres herself becoming the first female landowner in the country which had just changed its laws to allow women to own land. Apparently, the outlaws spent the next year or so building a ranch in the Andes foothills, in southwest Argentina, as described in the following Pinkerton information: On April 2nd, 1902, [Longabaugh using the name Place] and [Cassidy using the name Ryan notified] Argentine Republic Government they had settled on 4 square leagues of Government land within the Province of Chubut, district 16th of 11 October, near Cholila and had 1300 sheep, 500 head of cattle, 35 horses, and asked for the first right to buy some [land] and were settled on land improving it. After each job, a series of relay horses would quickly deliver the bandits to one of their sanctuaries, most notably Hole-in-the-Wall, Brown's Park, or Robbers' Roost. There is no evidence that Longabaugh and Place saw one another at all between 1905 and his alleged death in 1908. History Blazer, May 1995. The photo was sent to a family member and remained in the family for many years until it was published in 1992. She is often regarded as a schoolteacher educated in Boston or Buffalo, and sometimes accused of being a prostitute. As for Etta Place, the remainder of her life is just as unclear. Ethel Etta Place, Western Woman of Mystery. Life with the Sundance Kid According to a Pinkerton Detective Agency memorandum dated July 29, 1902, she was "said..to be from Texas," and in another Pinkerton document dated 1906, she is described as being "27 to 28 years old", placing her birth around 1878. Early to late 1903: Female outlaw Ann Bassett marries a rancher by the name of Henry Bernard, and shortly thereafter is arrested for rustling, having no known contact with her former lover Parker. Sundance dared look out an opened window and spotted the owner of the establishment talking to the police. Sadly, heroin addiction affected both her personal and professional life. WebEtta Place ( b. c. 1878, d. It shows how daring these people are, he wrote his brother in 1905. We hunt them in the mountains and the wilderness and they are in the midst of society.. As the cheerful three laughed and reminisced about their crime wave, several members of the Bolivian Army surrounded the area. Other claims indicate that the two were still involved in a relationship, and that she simply returned due to her tiring of life in South America. The authorities of the adjoining provinces have volunteered to co-operate: and yet the robbers are still at large, and their valuable booty unrecovered. Because the news could not be confirmed, police doubted the bandit had indeed passed away. Eyewitnesses indicated years afterward that Place was one of only five women known to have ever been allowed into the Wild Bunch hideout at Robbers Roost in southern Utah, the other four having been Will Carver's girlfriend Josie Bassett who also was involved with Parker for a time, Josie's sister and Parker's longtime girlfriend Ann Bassett, Elzy Lay's girlfriend Maude Davis, and gang member Laura Bullion. The woman later known as Ethel Place, is most likely born in Texas in 1876. In his claims, he stated that Etta Place became involved with Longabaugh after his mother told him she was pregnant. Curiously, the agency took no action, perhaps because of a reticence on the part of their North American clients to support the operation. Place. The second, put out in 1906, described her as having, "classic good looks, 27 or 28 years old, 5'4" to 5'5" in height, weighing between 110 lb and 115 lb, with a medium build and brown hair.". WebIn Sundance Kid. Robert Harvey Longabaugh (February 21, 1901-December 18, 1972), who claimed years later to be the son of Longabaugh, claimed that Etta Place was actually Hazel Tyrone, a half-sister to his mother, Annie Marie Thayne. She made her final television appearance performing "At Last" on Dancing with the Stars. Ethel Etta Place, Western Woman of Mystery. NE: University of Nebraska, 1998. The Pinkerton Agency files, as well as an article in the San Antonio Light newspaper, note that Etta became acquainted with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in 1899 while working for Madam Fannie Porter at a brothel in San Antonio. After a bad patch, she returned with the single and album, Tell Mama, in 1967. When the political climate in the region began to change, and with rumors that the Pinkerton Agency had picked up a lead on their whereabouts, the three felt it was best to leave the country. The funeral was presided by Rev. July 10, 1902: Place and Longabaugh pose as stewards, and sail on the steamer Honorius back to Argentina. Gerald Kolpan's ETTA (www.ettathenovel.com), tells the story through the eyes of Etta Place, the alleged girlfriend of the Sundance Kid. After eluding their pursuers, the outlaws eventually returned to their ranch near Cholila. 18961905) In some respects, stories of Americas Wild West feel like a young country trying to build itself a mythology from scratch. Popular locations for her place of birth include Utah, New York City, Pennsylvania, or On April 2, they registered at a Mrs. Thompson's rooming house in New York City. The book purports to tell the "true" story of Etta and Sundance and includes many historical figures such as Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and Eleanor Roosevelt. setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src","https://sample.dragonforms.com/getEmbeddedClientScript.do?embeddedsite=TW_dispatch_nl"),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. She was well educated and an excellent horsewoman. . Etta Place (born c. 1878, date of death unknown) was a companion of the American outlaws Butch Cassidy (real name Robert LeRoy Parker) and the Sundance Kid (Harry Alonzo Longabaugh), both members of the outlaw gang known as the Wild Bunch. WebEtta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. From here, Butch left his companions to return to their ranch, traveling south by water to Rawson, then west by land to Chubut Province. An article in the December 26, 1917, San Antonio Light reported that Etta Place died on December 15, 1917. WebEtta Place was involved with the Sundance Kid and was a member of the Butch Cassidys Wild Bunch. On February 1, 1901, Etta and Sundance posed together for a picture at DeYoungs Photography Studio in New York after having made a purchase at Tiffany Jewelers. if you hear of any one that want to sell please tell them about us." 18961905) However, the most intriguing mystery is not her past but rather where Etta Place went after Longabaugh and Parker were killed. He spent part of his life in jail in Fresno, California, where he first came to public notice due to his claims. Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Arizona and Nevada all suffered at the hands of the Wild Bunch, and posses of skilled trackers and fighters rode themselves haggard looking for the thieves. After migrating to the landlocked city, Butch, Sundance and Etta discussed another heist. Twenty-eight-year-old Etta smiled happily at her two companions as the conversation strayed from the execution of the job to the large amount they had stolen. She wanted to avoid capture, New York law enforcement officials told the press. WebEtta Place was involved with the Sundance Kid and was a member of the Butch Cassidys Wild Bunch. The safes were open and two of the brigands emptied them whilst the other two covered the employees. According to the Pinkerton Agency file, Sundance periodically accompanied her. Because Pinkerton's believed the story was true, historians believed it too. Add synopsis. It's known that in 1902 and 1904 Sundance and Etta made return trips to the United States evidence of which was later uncovered by the Pinkertons. Their research also discovered "that Longbaugh [sic] under the name of Place was treated in the Pierce Medical Institute, Buffalo, New York, and by a Dr. Weinstein, 174 Second Ave., New York City. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. There are at least shreds of evidence to support that claim. Historians and researchers debate this fanciful account of the final demise of Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place. Her self-titled album in 1973 was notable for its rock and funk styles, produced by the renowned rock producer Gabriel Mekler and nominated for a Grammy but did not do well commercially. On February 1, 1901, the trio met as planned in New York City. Butch Cassidy and a girlfriend, Etta Place, and in 1901 drifted to New York City and then South America, where they set up ranching in Chubut province, Argentina. The deed is credited to the Wild Bunch, though the identities of the individual members involved have long been disputed. NY: Devin-Adair, 1959. Butch Cassidy: My Brother. The trio fled north to San Carlos de Bariloche where they embarked on the steamer Condor across Lake Nahuel Huapi and into Chile. Patterson, Richard. In 1993, she recorded the tribute album, Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday, and began to incorporate more jazz elements and won for her a first Grammy Award for best jazz vocal performance. They believed the story was circulated to conceal her identity. Born in about 1878, nothing is known of Ettas life before she met Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, better known as the Sundance Kid. Etta James was known for her spectacular voice that had the power to move one to tears, and despite her brilliant career, her latter years were marred with legal battles between her husband and son. Barring new information, their time ranching was most likely spent lawfully. Rage To Survive, this legendary American musical greats autobiography takes us on a troubled trip to stardom from her traumatic childhood to her harrowing battle with addiction and illness. According to the February 19, 1950, edition of the American Weekly, Butch told the Buenos Aires bank president that he and his friends were afraid of thieves. March 1903 marked the beginning of the end for the trio in their comfortable exile. Many theories have been advanced over the years as to her true identity. She is the third of five children to be raised in the area her mother will rename Browns Park. . His death certificate lists his father as being Harry Longabaugh, and his mother as being Annie Marie Thayne. Its unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place is her real name. In February 1905, the outlaws heldup the Banco de Tarapaca y Argentino in Rio Gallegos, located in southern Argentina. Even the Wild Bunch themselves were rumored to have become her guardians after the death of her father. Pinkerton records note their return: They left New York July 10, 1902, on steamer Honorious. Optimistic rumors of capture soon changed to criticism as no results were forthcoming. The Wallflower, or Dance with Me, Henry, written by Johnny Otis, Hank Ballard, and Etta James was recorded by her for Modern Records in 1955 and topped the U.S. R&B chart for 4 weeks. Author and researcher Larry Pointer, who up until the late 1970s spent more time researching and chasing leads to Etta Place than any other researcher, wrote that it, "is one of the most intriguing riddles in western history. This unfortunate lack of facts only adds to the curiosity about one of the most mysterious figures of the American West, the woman who rode with the Wild Bunch. Longabaugh and Place sail to San Francisco, where she remains, while he returns to South America. Its unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place is her real name. Both Ann and her sister Josie Bassett no doubt knew Place, as the three women were often alleged to have been at the Robbers Roost hideout at the same times. It's known that in 1902 and 1904 Sundance and Etta made return trips to the United States evidence of which was later uncovered by the Pinkertons. Once again Pinkerton detectives discover she is homesick, but again cannot discover the identity of her family. She bore the brunt of attack by aroused citizens and was always the last in the getaway, a, By mid-January 1901, the Wild Bunch had gone their separate ways. January 1996, p. 21. In 1906 he and Cassidy returned to outlawry, robbing banks, trains, and mining interests in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. There is still considerable debate over when her relationship with Longabaugh ended. There she settled with the two outlaws on a ranch which they purchased near Cholila in Chubut Province of West Central Argentina. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. The Pinkerton Agency, which had a strong interest in Etta, described her as attractive, speaking with an educated tone. Estimates of her birth year range from 1878 to 1882 or 1883. "Place, Etta (fl. They moved to Cholilaand began raising livestock. The other assailant at once went outside, and they immediately took off in flight on horses that they had already prepared. The isolated mountain village of, Historians and researchers debate this fanciful account of the final demise of Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place. However, on March 3, 1902, she and Longabaugh sailed on the SS Soldier Prince from Buenos Aires to New York City, probably to visit family and friends in the USA. Worland, WY: High Plains, 1993. At 12, she moved north to San Francisco, formed a trio and was soon working for band leader Johnny Otis. A novel accurately relates the difficulties experienced by European immigrants in the United S, Pickett, Bill 18701932 Both Bassett and Place were attractive women, with similar facial features, body frame, and hair color, and both were born in 1878. Because Pinkerton's believed the story was true, historians believed it too. Sundance bought Etta a gold lapel watch. She was principally the companion of Longabaugh. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Theories abound regarding Etta's earlier life. Governor Julio Lezana issued an arrest warrant, but before it could be executed, Sheriff Edward Humphreys, a Welsh Argentine who was friendly with Parker and enamored of Place, tipped them off. Popular myth has Etta leaving the men, and Butch and Sundance alternately robbing and working for mining concerns throughout southern and eastern South America. Neither claim has any evidence to support them whatsoever. The Pinkerton Agency, which had a strong interest in Etta, described her as attractive, speaking with an educated tone. January 1901: Longabaugh and Place visit his family in Mont Clare, Pennsylvania. Plot summary. ?) It is thought that Butch and Sundance finally had had enough, and decided to "go straight" in a land where they were unknown. The overall consensus was that she was pregnant Texas in 1876 have long been disputed from! With the Sundance Kid and was a member of the Butch Cassidys Wild.. 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